We are proud to announce that Pimet is one of the companies that received grants during the previous application process organised in relation to action 2.3. of the Sectoral Operational Program – “Increase of Business Competitiveness”. We received co-funding from the European Regional Development Fund for the implementation of

„Modernisation of machines
Stage I – Construction of an automated processing centre”.

This project allowed us to purchase the MCV750 SPEED milling machine. Such investments made it possible for us to meet the requirements of our clients.

During the 1st application process for action 1.5 of the Regional Operational Programme of the Mazowieckie Voivodeship, Pimet obtained a grant which allowed us to implement another project co-funded by the European Union from the European Regional Development Fund and from the state budget:

“Increasing the competitiveness of PIMET by introducing new, environmentally friendly technology – modernisation of the zinc plating line.”

 Pimet has recently obtained a grant from the EU pre-accession funds under Phare 2003 “Development and modernisation of businesses based on new technologies” for the implementation of the following project:

“Purchase of equipment which facilitates processing on the lathe and the milling machine”.

As a part of the Regional Operational Programme of the Mazowieckie Voivodeship for 2007–2013, in the period from March 2009 to August 2010, Pimet completed a project co-funded by the European Union from the European Regional Development Fund. The Project was based on implementing the production of zinc alloy casts which meet special quality requirements for the automotive industry on the basis of highly efficient hot chamber technological process.

„The start-up and implementation of zinc alloy cast production in PIMET S.J. for the automotive industry’s specific quality requirements based on an innovative, high performance, hot-chamber technological process.”

In 2010–2011, Pimet implemented another project co-funded from the European Regional Development Fund under priority II “Speeding up the E-Development of Mazowsze”, action 2.3. “Information and Communications Technologies for SME” of the Regional Operational Programme for the Mazowieckie Voivodeship 2007–2013. The project streamlined and significantly modernised company management, and improved customer service, which increased Pimet’s competitiveness on the market. The project was entitled

“Increasing the competitiveness and innovativeness of PIMET by introducing modern ICT – stage 1: purchase and implementation of integrated management support systems”

  Pimet further obtained funds under the 4th application process related to action 2.3 of the Sectoral Operational Program – “Increase of Business Competitiveness”. These funds allowed us to implement another project co-funded from the European Regional Development Fund:

“Modernisation of machines
Stage III – Purchase of a wire EDM”.